Day 23

Today was a day spent primarily driving and sleeping. It was one of our 7 free days, and was used to help us get halfway to Boston. 

We left pretty much right after the game in Miami to drive to New Bern, NC. It was planned to be about a 12 hour drive. We learned that while having the backseat to spread out while sleeping, only working with a 3 driver rotation isn’t ideal. We miss Andrew. 

The ride was spent sleeping, watching Netflix, listening to the number 1 song on the charts for the past 8 weeks (Shut Up and Dance), stopping for doughnuts, a little bit of backwards driving on the tollway, and being slightly delusional. All in all, it was a pretty normal ride for us. 
  We got into New Bern, NC to spend the afternoon with Rebecca’s grandparents. Megan and Tim were kind enough to let Rebecca sleep for most of the drive so that she could be up socializing with her family during the brief visit. We were all fed lunch and showed to our rooms. Megan and Tim both got pretty substantial naps, and Rebecca got some great quality time. 
  She was lucky enough to not only spend the day with her grandparents, but also with her great aunt and uncle, Kathy and Russ, and her great-grandfather. It was great being able to see everyone and catch up, even if it was just for an afternoon. 
The original plan was to go to church in town, but we were all too exhausted to make it. Sleep just had to take precedent this time around. 
We had a great rest of the night filled with happy hour and a delicious dinner. The table was filled with fun stories and laughter. It was nice to have dinner at a table again. 
We pulled out of New Bern around 8:30pm to finish the leg up to Boston for a 1:30 game. It wouldn’t take nearly that long to get to the city, but we planned a few detours. Thankfully this will be our last drive though the night, and our last long leg without Andrew. 

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